Wood Therapy
Stomach, Bra Fat, Back & Love Handles: £75 (40 mins)
Front Thighs, Back of Legs & Bum: £75 (40 mins)
Full Body, Legs, Bum, Stomach & Back: £100 (60 mins)
Combined Wood Therapy & Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage - Full Body, Legs, Bum, Stomach & Back: £120 (60 mins)
Wood Therapy is a massage using different wooden utensils of various sizes and shapes, specifically designed to adapt to different body shapes.
Wood therapy is considered a holistic treatment, this therapy can relieve muscles and joint pain, loosen tight, restricted muscles, eliminate toxins, contour, firm, tone, sculpt, reduce body circumference, breaks down cellulite and stimulates lymphatic drainage.
We recommend 6-10 treatments 2-3 times a week, which is typically a complete course. This may differ depending on each individual. You can start with 3 times a week, then go to twice a week etc. It is completely up to you and what you are looking to achieve.